Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Anatomy of a Smear

If you have any doubt that ultraconservative Rupert Murdoch's Fox News Network is a tool of the rabid right, check out this transcript from Think which details the network's recent attempt to "Swift Boat" U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama. It's half-hilarious, half-tragic, and completely disheartening, because as you read it you understand clearly that one hundred million frightened American heartlanders are swallowing this whole. The only armor against shit-slinging subhumans like the Fox gang is the truth, but truth has taken a hike from that channel, probably never to return. Weep once more for the American IQ.


At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can I weep for the American IQ when the American Emotional Quotient plunges beyond reach? How can people find enough energy to hate Mexicans any more when a black man has a shot at the oval office?
Yes, white America, your daughters are salivating for the opportunity of white house internships as we speak.


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