Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008, Not a Moment Too Soon

Ari ventured from icy Finland this year end and we managed to spend a few days reliving our stint as roommates. Those were halcyon times back in Hell A.—he tended bar at the superexclusive W Hotel (where the mojitos cost sixteen dollars), I staffed at Playboy (which was . . . well, I'm not sure that I can really describe it), and all our friends were artists and musicians (truly the best kind of people to know).

Somehow, the only photos of Ari and I from last weekend are the ones above, shot by parties unknown. Don't remember where we were, exactly, but I know it was fun. I did a get a few other random party shots below as well. Such a curious holiday New Year's—it's not so much a celebration as it is a catharsis, a night when people party with a fever that borders on desperation.

Anyway friends, here's hoping your New Year's was everything you wanted it to be, and many happy returns. Look for more fun posts in 2008 as I whore out every friend I ever had, and profane every sacred memory.



At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to some good whoring out...

At 12:25 AM, Blogger El Gabacho Chingón said...

Whoring out, y'all say? Carneval is coming up . . .


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